Olive Oil
250g Dried fava beans
1/2tsp Smoked paprika
1/2 Lemon
2tbsp Yoghurt
3-Cornered Garlic flower stems
A few ramson leaves
Vinaigrette dressing
Salt & pepper
1. Soak the fava beans overnight. Drain, rinse and place in a pan of cold water and cook for at least one hour until a little softer than al-dente. Skim off the froth that will have formed, drain, rinse and allow to dry.
2. Heat a pan and add a few glugs of olive oil . Once hot stir around the fava beans until glossy and a little golden.
3. Add in half a tsp of smoked paprika, stir through well, squeeze over the juice of half a lemon, stir through.
4. Add 2tbsp natural yoghurt and stir through. (This will separate slightly because of the acid in the lemon but makes no difference to the taste.)
5. Remove from the heat and allow to cool just a little in order for the garlic which is about to be adding to not lose all its volatile oils.
6. Finely chop the tiny stems of the three cornered garlic flowers and also the Ramson leaf blades. Stir through and season to taste.
7. Make a vinaigrette dressing and stir two tbsp through just before serving. This can also be served cold but delay adding the vinaigrette until eating to avoid sogginess.

3-Cornered Garlic Flowers

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